Blogging 101: Where to start?

Hello guys! I haven’t been here for a while. So much happened and again, I have a lot of things that I have learned in my quest of searching ways to earn online. Well, one of my goals is to learn blogging and find out just how to earn from it. And of course, that is what I am going to talk about it here. If you want to earn from blogging, you just got to know these basic stuff.

The first thing you need to do is to assess who you are.

Yes, you heard me write. Blogging is basically an online journal that tells your viewers what you are up to right now. Some people blog because it eases their feelings and lessen the stress they are encountering. Most people though blog because they want to share what they have learned (like me) and want to empower others in whatever walks of life their viewers are taking.

That is why it is very important that you know who you are – your likes, interest and philosophies. These are the things that you can share online and talk about in a long period of time. So if you want to be a blogger, you need to know who you are, what you want to share and go from there.

Now, blogging is also a good means to build an online community. If you are such a shy, introvert person, you can just express yourself online and meet up with online friends. But really, that’s not the main perk why bloggers share what they got. In most cases we blog in the hopes of earning from this venture.

So, how to earn through blogging online?

Earning from blogging is not really easy. First, you have to understand what niche blogging means and you have to really focus. A blogger, a successful one, knows how to focus and set directions and goals. If you want to be a professional blogger (you can claim that you are if you have done what most bloggers did – next on the list to write) you have to identify what you want to share then name it in a word or two.

Let’s say you are a mom and that you want to travel the world. Now, maybe, you can write blogs about a travelling mom. You can then name your blog as

Next, you have to have a blog site. Some use wordpress and blogspot. However, if you are serious about blogging, you have to think about getting a hosting plan with the likes of goDaddy and HostGator. I have one with hostGator though I bought my domain name from

Read about hosting and understand them well. I might share how to do this but really, I am also a novice myself so it is best to read posts from the experts who are maintaining a lot of blogs like Janette Toral of

There are a lot of tutorial on youtube too that will teach you how to set up your own weblog. As long as you have your niche and you have list down all the things that you will right there then you are good to set up the website.

The most trivial thing you need to do so that you will earn from blogging is that you need to have at least page 2 rank on Google. Yes, this is so technical. You see, you have to work on having your site visible to the world or else, who will pay you to promote their products or services?

Yes, this is very tricky and that I will have to write a full set of 101 here for you to as to how to reach at least rank 2 with your blog. I need to have mine rank first too J

One best way to start having a good rank with google is to learn how to research good keywords and how to place them well with your site posts. I like to recommend SEO-Moz on this. They teach practical SEO tips that helped me a lot in my confusion in the full scale of optimizing my page.

Also, always post your Alexa and Google rank in your page. This will help show potential sponsors how credible and traffic magnet your site is.

Now, don’t be alone on this. Create a facebook fanpage that has the same name with your blog – say travellingmom fb fanpage. Get your friends, family and friends of friends of friends to the highest level to like it. Aim to reach at least 500 likes. You will need this to promote your blog.

Also, don’t forget to join bloggers group in facebook. Facebook is a very powerful tool in internet marketing and you just got to maximize its potential and let them work for you. Joining groups of bloggers online will tip you off to a vast pool of resources of blogging knowledge.

Now, that’s it for now. This is, of course, an overview to what blogging really is. So stay tune with me and I promise to post more here in the future – near future.