Earn Fulltime Income Online: A CSAT Tips and Advices

The thing is that if you get better at writing, you can get a lot of clients. You can pick your choice or you can just get all of them at once. I did this not too long ago too. It is exciting to have all the clients you can get and sometimes you forget that in this business, CSAT is very important. This is how we earn fulltime income online.

What is CSAT?

CSAT is just a shortcut for Customer Satisfaction. One thing in giving service in all aspect of business is that you need to do your best to make your customer satisfied. Customer satisfaction for our clients means you can deliver their needed articles (this means quality articles) as many as you can write (at least 5 articles a day) as soon as possible (within 24 hours). You have to do this daily. But if you accept more clients than you can deal with, it will be hard to beat deadlines and provide quality articles that you use to write when you have just few clients up your sleeves.

That is why, if you want to satisfy your clients, you need to ensure you do the following:

  1. Focus. If you have to submit five or ten articles daily, do it. Keep distractions at bay and focus on delivering what is expected.
  2. Stick to your timetable. In this business, you have to be organized. Prepare timetable for writing and for your other activities. This is a setback when working at home. Your home activities get to be mixed with your writing time. You have to set your schedule and stick with it. If you are to write, let say, 8 am to 5 pm, then write. And unless there is an emergency, you stick with your writing and finish your tasks for the day.
  3. Only get projects that you know you can handle. If you fear to accept only a single client who will only pay ones a month, then get two or three clients who can pay you weekly or bi-monthly. But be sure you can provide them quality articles on time.
  4. Create a blog. What can your personal blog do with CSAT? If you are good with what you do, you can provide quality service, and in our case, articles. And as with anything else that you want to do well, you need to practice. Blogging is a perfect way to hone your writing skills. Aside from blog, you can join forums as well. It will help a lot too if you go through ‘how to’ articles or videos on writing. This way, you will get some tips and advices to improve your writing.
  5. Take revisions well. If your client wants you to revise what you have written, don’t take it badly. Listen and learn from what your client wants. This will help you improve your writing capabilities as well. And of course, if you revise something, you have to do it right away.
  6. Unless specified not to, ask questions if there is something you are not sure about. This will not be interpreted as incompetency in your part. Asking will save a lot of time in revising articles.

Your clients would appreciate it if you communicate with them. Don’t be afraid of not pleasing them. Your aim is not to just please the client but please them by giving the quality articles they want at the time they need it. That is why you need to improve as a writer and always see to it that you communicate.

This might not be a foolproof set of advices for CSAT but you can start from here as a professional online article writer and earn fulltime income online.